What is a Meat Tenderizer Tool and how to use it?

We know that you are on this page because you were looking for a meat tenderizer. Before moving ahead, let me clear one thing: that this article is about meat tenderizer tools and how to make use of them.

What is a Meat Tenderizer Tool?

As the name suggests, a Meat Tenderizer is a small tool used to tenderize the meat to make it easily tasty, chewable, and digestible. It helps you make the meat more tender by making its fibers weak and delicate to let you enjoy a softer texture and allowing you to both prepare and assimilate it quickly. We know this entire process as Tenderizing or Tenderization.

A meat tenderizer that looks like a Hammer exhibits two sides; one side is pointed like small nails while the other side is flat, mostly hand-powered. But Electric-Powered tenderizers are also available in the market that provides extra convenience.  

How to make use of a Meat Tenderizer Tool?

Whenever we buy meat from a butcher, if it is in small pieces, that is great, but when it is in big chunks, that’s where the real pain starts.

Last week my uncle sent me an entire leg of a bull, and you know how heavy it was? The whole meaty leg exactly weighed 8Kg.

It was a gigantic piece, and a big problem for a skinny person like me to deal with it.

So what? I took my Meat Tenderizer from the shelf and started tenderizing the meat; it was difficult, but when you have to prepare a meal for the night party, no excuses work. So this is how the problem was solved.

To tenderize the meat, you need a Meat Tenderizer, a hard surface (cutting board or some marble slab), and a plastic wrap to cover the meat so it won’t fly apart from the droplets. 

Before you tenderize the meat, make sure it is clean and doesn’t have any impurities on it. Because in case if it contains something unhygienic, it is going to mix it, and at the end, eat it. So make sure it is neat and clean.

After washing it properly, you are ready to start the process. First, cover the meat with the wrap, begin hammering the meat evenly, and keep changing it. Make sure that no part of the meat is left unbeaten.

If you want to thin out the meat, you need to use the tenderizer’s flat side on the heart, and you are good to go. Thin beef cooks faster and more evenly as compared to bulky chunks.